Stone Fireplace Set (MESH) by Morphe, Inc.

In round 8 of Designers Challenge, in which every 2 weeks 2 home and garden designers will take the same RL picture as inspiration and create what they see in Second Life in their own way, Maxwell Graf of Rustica and Abel Dreamscape of Morphe Inc. have given a photo of a great cozy space as inspiration. These are their creations...

Stone Fireplace Set (MESH)
Abel Dreamscape

This beautiful Fireplace set includes an animated Antique rocker, a static Antique rocker, rug, side table, mantle decorations and fireplace. The fireplace has several features for the actual fire, the ability to change the photo in the picture frame, and a touch  on/off candle on the mantle.  The rocker comes in 2 versions, static and animated.  All pieces are copy/mod.
Note: This set is FULL mesh and will need the appropriate viewer to see it correctly.
Stone Fireplace 37 prims
Mantle decoration set 2 prims
Animated Antique rocker 7 prims
Static Antique rocker 6 prims
Rug 1 prim
Antique side table  1 prim
Antique window table 1 prim

(The Prim count otherwise known as the PE, is reflective of the scale and size sold. Increasing or decreasing the size could possibly change the PE counts)

You can see a rezzed version of this set inworld at Morphe, Inc. as well as Rustica!