In round 8 of Designers Challenge, in which every 2 weeks 2 home and garden designers will take the same RL picture as inspiration and create what they see in Second Life in their own way, Maxwell Graf of Rustica and Abel Dreamscape of Morphe Inc. have given a photo of a great cozy space as inspiration. These are their creations...
From Maxwell Graf:
"Its been awesome doing this challenge, and working with Abel. We really got to work together on some of the challenges of these sets. I love seeing what mesh can be capable of within SL and look forward to creating a lot more in the coming months."
The chair is 2 prims, 7 animations
The fireplace is 10-21 depending on how big you scale it up or down and is mod
There is a table with blanket and one without
You can see a rezzed version of this set inworld at Morphe, Inc. as well as Rustica!